Hall 05 - Booth L 062

For over 40 years we transforming and marketing the products of our land with passion and creativity. The company grows with the trade and processing of chestnuts, then continues with the production of vegetables, spices and aromatic herbs and with the processing of tomatoes. Each product is followed starting from cultivation to the final consumer, guaranteeing safe and constant traceability for the safety of our customers. The tomato ripened in the Calabrian sun is harvested strictly by hand and then processed within 24 hours with the ancient method of homemade puree.








Brands or Represented Companies








Product categories

24-month Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese Almond milk Apple vinegar Balsamic vinegar Beans Beef Beer Yeast no. Beverage Mix with Low Alcohol Content Beverages base fruit can Beverages base fruit carton packs Beverages base fruit glass Beverages base fruit pet Beverages energy drink Beverages tea base can Beverages tea base carton pack + glass Beverages tea base glass Beverages tea base pet Bicarbonate/Digestive beverages Blue cheeses Bread and Bread Substitutes Fresh Breakfast Cereals Breakfast Cereals Muesli Bresaola Butter and milk cream Certification Body Chocolate-base spreads Cold Sauces Common Wheat Flour Consultancy and technical assistance Cooked Ham Cooking Lard and Cured Lard Coppa Cream Cured Ham Dehydrated Fruit Dehydrated Vegetables Diced deli meats Dried Fruit Dried Mushrooms Dried Pulses and Grains Other Pulses Durum Wheat Flours Egg Fresh Pasta Egg Pasta for baking Eggs Ethnic Specialities Extra virgin olive oil Fifth range (cooked and packaged fruit and vegetables) Filled Fresh Pasta Filled Pasta Fish Specialities Fish Specialities Smoked Salmon Flavoured Oil Flavoured waters Flours Mixtures of Flour and Specialities (potato starch, corn starch) Food safety services Foreign honey Fourth range (packaged fresh fruit and vegetables) Frankfurters Fresh alternative foods Fresh Fruit Fresh Juices Fresh Pasta Semolina Pasta Fresh Pizza Fresh Ready Pesto Sauces Fresh Ready Sauces Fresh vegetables Fruit and Vegetables Dried Almonds Fruit and Vegetables Dried Pistachios Fruit and Vegetables Dried Seeds Fruit and Vegetables Dried Walnuts Fruit in spirits Fruit preserved in mustard syrup Game Gnocchi (dumplings) Grana Padano Grated cheese Hazelnut-base spreads Horse Italian honey Jams Lemon juice Logistic and handling Long Egg Pasta Long Semolina Pasta (spaghetti, bucatini, tagliatelle) Margarine Mascarpone Masched and Tomato pulp Mayonnaise Melted cheeses Milk Milk pudding Mortadella Mutton and goat meat Natural Preserved Fruit Olive Oil Olives Other Other dairy products Other deli meats Other Flours Other hard and semi-hard cheeses Other Pastas Other PDO/PGI products Other Preserves Fish - Anchovies Other Preserves Fish Clams Other Preserves Fish Mackerel Other Preserves Fish Other Fish Preserves Pancetta Parboiled Rice Parboiled Parma Ham Pasta-filata cheeses Paté and Fresh Spreads Paté and Savoury Spreads PDO Balsamic Vinegar PDO Extra virgin olive oil Peas Pickles Plum and cherry tomatoes in can Plum and cherry tomatoes in glass jar Polenta Porchetta Pork Portioned and packaged cheeses Portioned deli-meats Poultry Pre-cooked minced-meat products (zampone, cotechino, cappello del prete) Preserves Promoter Rabbit Ready First-Course Meals Ready Pesto Sauces Ready Sauces Ready sliced deli meats Ready-to-eat soups Refrigerated fish spacialties Rice Milk Ricotta cheese Salami San Daniele Ham Savoury Snacks Seed OIl Short Egg Pasta Short Semolina Pasta (penne, maccheroni, rigatoni, fusilli, farfalle) Smoked Pancetta Smoothies and cold-pressed juices Snails Soft cheeses Soya Milk Sparkling beverages can Sparkling beverages energy drink Sparkling Beverages GLASS Sparkling Beverages PET Specialist Press Speciality Semolina Pasta (radiatori, conchiglie, paccheri, orecchiette) Speck Syrups for beverages Systems and equipments Tinned meat Tomato concentrated Tomato purée and pulp in glass jar Traditional regional cheeses Traditional regional deli meats Truffles Tuna UHT bechamel Vegetable beverages Vegetable Mayonnaise Vegetable spreads Vegetables preserved in oil Water Glass Water PET White Rice Wholemeal Semolina Pasta Wine vinegar Yogurt and fermented/probiotic/prebiotic milks

Exhibitors' Position

Hall 05 - Booth L 062

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